Friday, August 1, 2014

v 2

FILE FORMAT/ the form in witch digital images are stored and recorded                                                      
FILTER/ usually a piece of plastic or glass used to control how certain wavelength preventing them from reaching the light sensitive medium also software available in image processing computer Program  can produce special filter effects                                                                                                                            
FLARE/ unwanted light streak or ring that appear in the viewfinder                                                                  
FOCUS/ an optimum sharpness or image clarity that occurs when a lens create a sharp image by converging light rays to specific points at act of adjusting the lens to achieve optimal image sharpness                                  
FRAME/the complete image exposure area                                                                                                    
F/STOP/the size of the aperture or diaphragm opening of a lens also referred to as f/number or stop the term stands for the ratio of the focal length of the lens to the wide of its aperture                                                    
GB/see gigabyte                                                                                                                                              
HARD DRIVE/ a contained storage until made up magnetically sensitive disks                                                        
HOT SHOE/an electronically connected flash mount on the camera and an external flash and synchronizes the shutter released the firing of the flash                                                                                                          
icon/A symbol used to represent a file function or program                                                                                
IMAGE EDITING PROGRAM/ software that allows for image alteration and enhancement                        
INFINITY/ a term used to denote the theoretically most distant point of focus                                                    
ISO/from ISO Greek for equal a term for industry standardization when an ISO number is applied to film it indicates the relative light sensors use film  ISO equivalents which are based on enhancing the data stream or boosting the signal

JPEG/ joint photography expert group this a lossy compression and photo software jpeg examine an image for redundant

KB/see kilobyte

LCD/liquid crystal display

LED/ light emitting diode

LENS/ a piece of optical glass on the front of a camera that has been precisely calibrated to allow focus

LENS SHAPE/ see lens hood

LIGHT METER/ also called an exposure metre it is a device that measures light levels and calculate the correct aperture and shutter seed.

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